Our Family Helping Your Family


www.africanamericancemeteries.com A project of the Millenium Project: People working together to build an online database of African American genealogical material for the 21st century.

www.ancestry.com/ The largest collection of family history records on the web. Free trial and subscription available.

www.familysearch.org/ Church of Latter-Day Saints Family History Library.

www.cyndislist.com/ A genealogical research portal onto the internet.

www.Genealogy.com/ Genealogy research and family tree software.

www.archives.com/ A genealogical search engine.

www.jewishgen.org/ The home of Jewish Genealogy-primary internet source connecting researchers of Jewish genealogy worldwide.

www.archives.gov/genealogy/ The National Archives offers insight into the lives of people, their families and our history. Because the records at the National Archives come from every branch of the Federal government, almost all Americans can find themselves, their ancestors, or their community in the archives. Knowing how a person interacted with the government is key to a successful search.

www.ssdi.rootsweb.ancestry.com/ Search the Social Security Death Index by entering one or more fields in the form and clicking on the "submit" button.



Our Family Helping Your Family